Featured System – Vision system for Extra Long Trailer

In this installation, we have equipped an extra-long extending trailer with a state-of-the-art multi-camera vision system to meet the customer’s specific safety and visibility needs. This advanced system ensures that the driver has excellent visibility of the rear wheels, allowing for precise maneuvering and monitoring. Additionally, it covers all potential pinch points along the sides of the vehicle, significantly enhancing the driver’s awareness of any hazards or obstacles in these critical areas.

In some respects this is a fairly standard installation, certainly all the components that have been fitted are standard parts

However, this installation posed a challenge as the vision system needed to be retrofitted to an existing trailer and it was impractical to run camera leads to the extending part of the trailer.  The trailer requires 5 cameras.  Two on the front corners of the trailer looking backwards. Two on the sides of the extending part of the trailer so that the driver can see the rear axles and a rear vision/ reversing camera

To meet this requirement we used short range microwave  wireless systems for the cameras on the extending part of the trailer and two wired cameras on the front corners of the trailer.  As a word of caution using multiple wireless systems in close proximity with so much metal around (which blocks and reflects the signal – and with the UK licencing regulations we are restricting us to using low powered “wireless” devices) – exacerbated when heavy plant is being transported – can be quite challenging.  For example, on this installation, we had initially planned to use 5 wireless connections but could not achieve sufficient reliability (despite the connections using individual unique digital frequencies) so reconfigured the system with 3 wireless wireless connections and 2 wired connections.

Then using the control capability of the Vision DVR we can  provide the driver with the camera images specifically required for different manoeuvres.

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